
Showing posts from 2018

Business English 2 Task 3

This is my video for task of business english 2. In this video, i review about The International 2018 Battle Pass in game Dota 2.

Business English 2 Task 2

Motivation Letter Rio Arifin Bekasi, 17510 April 04, 2018 Graduate Program Director The University of Melbourne Victoria 3010 Attn: Graduate Selection Committee I am writing to apply your master’s degree program in Master of Information Systems. With a background in Information System Studies at Gunadarma University. My professional experience includes create a system the client wants. I had the time to study how to create a good system. This also made me success for created the system the client wants. The system that i have succeeded to create is a web catalog that has a database, the admin can create a new product, update the product, and delete the product from admin page. This experience also created my interset to create a great system that deals with many person and have a great function. At recent days, we know that technology is sophisticated. The technologies have a lot of data. With that data, we can make a various systems as needed by huma...

Business English 2 Task 1

Prediction of Technology Trends in 2018 Background The development of technology in this era is very fast. Every year there can be new technology created by humans. Based on the 3 sources I found, there will be some technology trends that will occur in 2018. In 2018, AI (Artificial Intelligence) will continue to be developed. One of them is a robot, robots can help humans in various sectors. In the health sector, the robot can assist doctors in surgery, at least down to the middle operation. In South Korea there are many hospitals that use robotic surgery on a regular basis. In performing the operation, the team of doctors should not make mistakes, so the use of this robot is very useful because the robot is tireless and can work on an activity without error because it has been programmed in such a way. AI robot can also be used in the military sector, for example is an insect robot used for spying. In my opinion, for Indonesia, these insect robots can be used on border areas...