Business English 2 Task 2

Motivation Letter

Hasil gambar untuk the university of melbourne

Rio Arifin
Bekasi, 17510

April 04, 2018

Graduate Program Director
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010

Attn: Graduate Selection Committee

I am writing to apply your master’s degree program in Master of Information Systems. With a background in Information System Studies at Gunadarma University.
My professional experience includes create a system the client wants. I had the time to study how to create a good system. This also made me success for created the system the client wants. The system that i have succeeded to create is a web catalog that has a database, the admin can create a new product, update the product, and delete the product from admin page. This experience also created my interset to create a great system that deals with many person and have a great function.
At recent days, we know that technology is sophisticated. The technologies have a lot of data. With that data, we can make a various systems as needed by humans. I want to be the person who create that systems. With diverse human needs, i can make a systems that has never been created and can be usefull well.
In Master of Information Systems at The University of Melboune, i can choose between one of three specialisations, that is Professional specialisation, Health specialisation, and Resreach specialisation. With the desires i have explained, i want to choose Professional specialisation. Profesional specialisation has advanced coursework study for careers in IT management and digital business.


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